ing returned to Rome towards the end of the sixties, I resumed my cooperation with the Giornalino di Famiglia Cristiana, which had its offices on Via della Conciliazione, and was a publication I had already worked for during the fifties. Most of the subjects addressed were technical and scientific. It was when I returned from Milan that the editor, whose name I do not remember, showed me a number of pages of a weighty “Wonderful Story of Man” published by the English, who, according to the editor were “the best” in these matters. Far more modestly, it was the work I had done for the English publisher through Piero Dami Editore in Milan. I simply observed that the story that was “the best” had one serious defect and I informed those present, in the general silence and embarrassment, that the author’s name was missing, a highly unusual oversight for an English publication.
Having pleasantly clarified the matter, leaving aside the best “Wonderful Story of Man” published by the English, I began a close and permanent cooperation with the Giornalino that included large pages and dossiers on technical and scientific matters that always bore the author’s name:
Texts and illustrations by Amedeo Gigli.
Images show a page of "The Wonderful Story of Man" in the English version published in London as well as the version retranslated into Italian.
In order to ensure this short history makes sense I will list the practical consequences of that:
“texts and illustrations by Amedeo Gigli.”
After permanently joining the editorial staff of the Giornalino, a magazine for the dissemination of technical and scientific texts, “in 2004 the author Amedeo Gigli, was awarded the “Giornalino d'Argento" for his over 40-year-long activity, during which he produced hundreds of pages on the most varied technical and scientific subjects as well as two editions of the book “A Discovery of Humankind” about the human body, still greatly appreciated by teachers and missionaries, an interactive multi-media CD on the European Union and an interactive multi-media product on various didactic subjects available on the Giornalino website”
A number of pages from the Giornalino about the history of exploration, the human body and the cover of an eight-page special about the history of steam.
The constant presence of the name of a highly versatile author on the pages of a weekly with a large circulation, inevitably resulted in interest shown by a number of publishers and people from the world of entertainment requiring certain skills.
The next page of this brief history shows how my work for the Giornalino influenced later developments in my professional life, both by word of mouth and direct knowledge of the weekly in which my work was "always" signed:
"Texts and illustrations by Amedeo Gigli".